Imagine this, it’s the 17th century and you are a child who is exhausted at school. Every day feels unbelievably long and it feels like you never get a break. Well, you are in luck because your headmaster is John Brinsley himself, and he notices that you and your classmates deserve time to enjoy the day and have fun with each other so he then initiates the first ever recess time at your school. It’s a massive hit; children’s morals are at an all time high, and they are getting their work done a lot more in fear of the fact that they might lose the privilege of recess. It worked perfectly.
Fast forward to the 21st century. Recess time is still commonly used among most elementary schools, and is still as wonderful as it was then. Children still love it. it still makes a great incentive to do well in school, and both children and teachers get a break. It was perfect. The kids got exercise and got to play on playgrounds and black tops, and they also got to meet and play with kids from other classes, giving them the chance to make new friends. However as the years went on, the children of CUSD 10 made it into Intermediate School, where recess, while still present, had been changed dramatically. Where once you could play in a fabulous amazing playground, you were now confined to either a black top, a tennis court, or a gravel track. Not a single slide in sight. After a debatably long two years we were then sent to the Middle School, where recess was just an option for the second half of lunch. You would go outside onto a little concrete patio and grass field with nothing but a couple of sports balls to keep you company.
Finally, after a decade you make it into high school and you get nothing. No recess, not even yard time. You get a study hall, where no one ever really does anything and you get lunch. The most you can do is eat outside, but you can’t even go into the quad. This completely gets rid of the incentive to keep your grades up for recess.
So here is an Idea. Completely get rid of study hall and replace that time that we have with recess time. The only issue that presents itself is that we have nowhere to hold recess. We can’t use the track because P.E. uses that area most of the time.So, I vote that we make our own playground in the quad. Yes, it will cost a lot of money, but I’m sure we can scrounge up the money somehow to build the best playground that we can, and this playground needs to be the best. We need swings, monkey bars, bridges, and tunnels. We obviously need slides, at least two of them so the lines to go down them don’t get long.
Now I know it is kind of a stretch and probably won’t work, but we need to try our hardest to bring back the joy and glee of recess. It may take a lot of work and money to build, but I think that in the end, that it is one of the most important things that this school needs.